Thursday 29 November 2012

Celebrities that had Breast cancer and survived

Kylie Minogue
An Australian Singer who is famous for her pixie like figure with flirtateous dance moves. Her famous hits are "Stay" and even the addictive "Cant get you out of my head". She is diagnosed with Breast Cancer in year 2006 and survived it.

Liza Wang
A Hong Kong actress and singer who is also known as "Big sister" in the media industry. She is famous for her role in The Awakening Story in year 2001 which she awarded for Best Actress. She is also a Cantopop and Mandopop singer. She is diagnosed with Breast Cancer in year 2002 and survived it.

George Lucas
He is a Director, Film producer and Entrepreneur. He is known for directing huge and popular movies like Star Wars and Indiana Jones. He disgnosed with Breast Cancer and was shocked that males can be diagnosed with Breast Cancer as well. Fortunately he was in the early stage and survived it.

To all the people out there, you are not alone:)

Friday 16 November 2012

This is the poster which represents how we should tackle Breast Cancer. Don't WAIT, go for screening NOW!~~~~~~~

Introduction on Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer that is affecting women. It is the number 1 type of cancer which infected many Singapore women each year. There is a rising trend of younger women below the age of 30 who are diagnosed with Breast cancer so it is important for women to go for early screening for an early detection.

Studies shows that women who are likely to be diagnosed with Breast cancer if they:
1) Family history of Breast cancer especially from direct family members. (Mothers or Grandmothers)
2) High calories and fat intake as well as a lack of exercise.
3) Intake of Hormone pill or Oral contraceptive pill.
4) Eat too much red meat and animal fats.
5) Found lumps in one or both Breast/s.